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The Case For Heaven (And Hell) Study Guide + Streaming Video


{=The Case For Heaven (And Hell) Study Guide + Streaming Video}

Price: $19.99
Quantity Available: 5 (as of 5:24pm EDT on 06/01/2024)
ISBN/UPC: 025986135478
Department: Book
Format: Trade Paper
Author/Artist: Strobel Lee
Publisher: Zondervan
Product ID: 247895
Description: Bestselling author Lee Strobel scours the fields of science and theology to present a compelling and convincing case for the existence of heaven and helps participant's engage with the most provocative questions about the afterlife.
This Study Guide includes:
Individual access to 5 streaming video sessions
Discussion and reflection questions with video notes
Personal study between sessions
Leader’s Guide
The Case for Heaven (and Hell) is the next logical installment in the Case series of studies that includes The Case for Christ, The Case for Faith, The Case for a Creator, The Case for Christmas, and The Case for Easter. As the American population continues to age, with Baby Boomers (all 76.4 million of them) entering their later years, questions about an afterlife become ever-more relevant. Everyone wants to know what awaits on the other side of death. Is there any convincing evidence that we will live on in eternity? If so, what will our experience be like?
In this five-session small-group study, Lee begins with an exploration of the fundamental question as to why so many people today fear death and the end of their lives on this earth. He then considers the view of atheists, which is that we cease to exist when we die and therefore should maximize our time in this world. This is followed by teaching from Lee based on his interviews with leading Christian philosophers, scientists, and theologians to make a strong case for the biblical view of the afterlife. Participants will learn what heaven will be like, get answers to their most pressing questions about it, and also learn about the logic behind hell.
Along the way, group members will encounter explorations of such topics as angels, Satan, demons, reincarnation, the exclusivity claims of Christ, and other issues related to the topic of immortality. In addition, they will receive a unique perspective from Lee based on his own experience of nearly dying several years ago. In the end, they will be drawn to the Christian worldview as they look forward to spending eternity with Christ.

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