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Promises For The Overcomer


{=Promises For The Overcomer}

Price: $3.99
Quantity Available: 12 (as of 4:53pm EDT on 06/16/2024)
ISBN/UPC: 0785226281
Department: Book
Format: Trade Paper
Author/Artist: Jeremiah David
Publisher: Nelson/Nelson Books
Product ID: 172443
Description: You were not made to live in disappointment, disillusionment, and defeat. God has promised key blessings for those who live as Overcomers in His kingdom.
Jesus said, "These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world" (John 16:33).
As a disciple of Jesus Christ, you also have "overcome the world." You are an Overcomer. That means you can live in light of the victory God has already won on your behalf, and you can choose to walk in that victory each day.
This plan will guide you through eight specific blessings God has promised for those who live as Overcomers-blessings that will serve as the foundation of your daily life in His kingdom. Are you ready?

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